8 WAYS TO REDUCE CHOLESTEROL NATURALLY WITHOUT MEDICINE. So my mother had a second stroke yesterday. when the cholesterol level was measured it was around 380. that is why when she had a stroke yesterday I tried to change my mother's lifestyle, and her diet became even healthier. Thankfully now her cholesterol is back to normal. So this time I want to share with all of you about tips that can be done to help lower cholesterol naturally, what are they? The first is to change diet, especially foods that increase cholesterol in the body. 

8 WAYS TO REDUCE CHOLESTEROL NATURALLY WITHOUT MEDICINE  8 WAYS TO REDUCE CHOLESTEROL NATURALLY WITHOUT MEDICINE. So my mother had a second stroke yesterday. when the cholesterol level was measured it was around 380. that is why when she had a stroke yesterday I tried to change my mother's lifestyle, and her diet became even healthier. Thankfully now her cholesterol is back to normal. So this time I want to share with all of you about tips that can be done to help lower cholesterol naturally, what are they? The first is to change diet, especially foods that increase cholesterol in the body.    such as red meat foods, foods high in sugar, sweets, brownies, donuts, boba. high in these saturated fats like butter, potato chips. These high-salt foods can increase blood pressure and increase the risk of accumulation of cholesterol in the body. especially offal, chicken innards, goat innards, beef, they are really delicious but high in cholesterol. So when we give cholesterol medication, even if you are still consuming these five types of food, of course, your cholesterol will not go down, so you have to make a commitment first to avoid this type of food.   the second eat foods that can help lower cholesterol. What are they? First of all, thank you very much Jamkho for presenting this educational video to all of you. Foods that contain soluble fiber, this soluble fiber is like oatmeal. Yesterday my mother changed her breakfast with oatmeal to whole wheat, now mother never eats rice at all. The rice is replaced with oatmeal in the morning, eating oatmeal in the afternoon, eating oatmeal at night. just four tablespoons as a substitute for rice later can be added with side dishes or with vegetables. so this soluble fiber serves to bind bad cholesterol so that it can lower cholesterol levels in the body and this has been scientifically proven.   the second is avocado. Avocado is rich in good fats which have also been shown to lower cholesterol in the body. So it is enough to consume 300-400 grams of avocado every day, do not add sugar or milk, just eat it directly to help lower cholesterol levels in the body. Turmeric, wedang turmeric or herbs that contain turmeric without sugar can also help lower cholesterol properly in the body. Foods high in sterols and stanols, such as corn, soybeans, red beans, they are all rich in sterols and stanols which can help to expel LDL or bad fats in the body and lower cholesterol.   In addition there are tomatoes and soybeans that are also good for lowering cholesterol. so I usually blend this tomato, drink it in the morning or at night to help lower cholesterol. for the soybeans , choose whole soybeans so they are soaked overnight and then boiled and consumed the next day, so every morning I usually make mom's breakfast with oatmeal plus soybeans and avocado mixed it's delicious and very good for helping lower cholesterol levels in the body. In addition, avoiding foods that we are not aware of can increase cholesterol, for example sugar and coffee.    Unfiltered coffee has been shown to increase cholesterol in the body and sugar can also increase cholesterol in the body. So if you really want to lower cholesterol, you should avoid sugar and coffee. The diet has been set, then the lifestyle. A lifestyle that helps lower cholesterol is one often sunbathing in the morning for at least 30 minutes. Our cholesterol functions to synthesize vitamin D for bone health, so when we sunbathe it helps the body's production of vitamin D. so when sunbathing it will use cholesterol produced in the body to be processed into vitamin D, so every morning you have to be diligent, don't forget to sunbathe it must be exposed to a wide area of ​​skin, especially the back, the abdomen or hands so that the incoming sunlight can be used optimally by our body.   the second is getting enough sleep, it is proven once people who lack sleep for less than six hours or excess sleep for more than eight hours can increase levels of LDL or bad cholesterol in the body. so when you want to lower cholesterol, try to get enough sleep, 6 to 8 hours per day without interruption to succeed in reducing cholesterol in the body. In addition, exercising regularly, especially cardio at least 30 minutes per day it can also help lower cholesterol levels in the body. quit smoking, Cigarettes contain a toxic compound called acrolein, and this acrolein inhibits HDL or good cholesterol to transport bad cholesterol.   In addition there are Tar and nicotine which can accumulate in the body's bloodstream and cause atherosclerosis, cholesterol buildup in blood vessels. the simplest is smoking can inhibit the body's efforts to eliminate cholesterol in the blood, so it is highly recommended if you have high cholesterol to reduce your intake of cigarettes to be more successful in lowering cholesterol. That was all I could explain to all of you about some tips to help lower cholesterol quickly.

 such as red meat foods, foods high in sugar, sweets, brownies, donuts, boba. high in these saturated fats like butter, potato chips. These high-salt foods can increase blood pressure and increase the risk of accumulation of cholesterol in the body. especially offal, chicken innards, goat innards, beef, they are really delicious but high in cholesterol. So when we give cholesterol medication, even if you are still consuming these five types of food, of course, your cholesterol will not go down, so you have to make a commitment first to avoid this type of food.

 the second eat foods that can help lower cholesterol. What are they? First of all, thank you very much Jamkho for presenting this educational video to all of you. Foods that contain soluble fiber, this soluble fiber is like oatmeal. Yesterday my mother changed her breakfast with oatmeal to whole wheat, now mother never eats rice at all. The rice is replaced with oatmeal in the morning, eating oatmeal in the afternoon, eating oatmeal at night. just four tablespoons as a substitute for rice later can be added with side dishes or with vegetables. so this soluble fiber serves to bind bad cholesterol so that it can lower cholesterol levels in the body and this has been scientifically proven.

 the second is avocado. Avocado is rich in good fats which have also been shown to lower cholesterol in the body. So it is enough to consume 300-400 grams of avocado every day, do not add sugar or milk, just eat it directly to help lower cholesterol levels in the body. Turmeric, wedang turmeric or herbs that contain turmeric without sugar can also help lower cholesterol properly in the body. Foods high in sterols and stanols, such as corn, soybeans, red beans, they are all rich in sterols and stanols which can help to expel LDL or bad fats in the body and lower cholesterol.

 In addition there are tomatoes and soybeans that are also good for lowering cholesterol. so I usually blend this tomato, drink it in the morning or at night to help lower cholesterol. for the soybeans , choose whole soybeans so they are soaked overnight and then boiled and consumed the next day, so every morning I usually make mom's breakfast with oatmeal plus soybeans and avocado mixed it's delicious and very good for helping lower cholesterol levels in the body. In addition, avoiding foods that we are not aware of can increase cholesterol, for example sugar and coffee. 

 Unfiltered coffee has been shown to increase cholesterol in the body and sugar can also increase cholesterol in the body. So if you really want to lower cholesterol, you should avoid sugar and coffee. The diet has been set, then the lifestyle. A lifestyle that helps lower cholesterol is one often sunbathing in the morning for at least 30 minutes. Our cholesterol functions to synthesize vitamin D for bone health, so when we sunbathe it helps the body's production of vitamin D. so when sunbathing it will use cholesterol produced in the body to be processed into vitamin D, so every morning you have to be diligent, don't forget to sunbathe it must be exposed to a wide area of ​​skin, especially the back, the abdomen or hands so that the incoming sunlight can be used optimally by our body.

 the second is getting enough sleep, it is proven once people who lack sleep for less than six hours or excess sleep for more than eight hours can increase levels of LDL or bad cholesterol in the body. so when you want to lower cholesterol, try to get enough sleep, 6 to 8 hours per day without interruption to succeed in reducing cholesterol in the body. In addition, exercising regularly, especially cardio at least 30 minutes per day it can also help lower cholesterol levels in the body. quit smoking, Cigarettes contain a toxic compound called acrolein, and this acrolein inhibits HDL or good cholesterol to transport bad cholesterol.

 In addition there are Tar and nicotine which can accumulate in the body's bloodstream and cause atherosclerosis, cholesterol buildup in blood vessels. the simplest is smoking can inhibit the body's efforts to eliminate cholesterol in the blood, so it is highly recommended if you have high cholesterol to reduce your intake of cigarettes to be more successful in lowering cholesterol. That was all I could explain to all of you about some tips to help lower cholesterol quickly.