Natural Itchy Itchy Medicine And Herbs Using Lemongrass Leaves.

Natural Itchy Itchy Medicine And Herbs Using Lemongrass Leaves.

Natural Itchy Itchy Medicine And Herbs Using Lemongrass Leaves.

 Natural and Herbal Itch Remedies Using Lemongrass Leaves. You may experience itching on the limbs. And maybe where you live in a village far from urban areas or where you don't sell any itching medicine. Or you experience itching at night so the drugstore is not open at that time. Or where you live far from the drug store or also where you live far from the health center.

 itching itching is usually caused by several factors such as allergies to something food, medicine, and or itching on the body caused by insect bites such as being bitten by mosquitoes, ants, or being hit by caterpillars and so on.
 Here are some tips or ways to treat itching on the body caused by insect bites such as mosquitoes, ants, or caterpillars.
 1. First is to prepare anti-mosquito lotion, such as autan, soffel, and so on.
 2. Next you apply the mosquito repellent lotion to the body that is itching due to insect bites such as mosquitoes, ants, and caterpillars.

 Or if the itching is caused by an allergy to something like food or medicine. You can use Lemongrass Leaves to treat the itching. The method is as follows

 Here's how to make herbal ingredients to treat itching naturally and herbs using lemongrass leaves.

 1. First prepare some lemongrass tree trunks that have been washed clean.
 2. Then prepare enough coriander.
 3. and also prepare honey if any.

 Then you boil the lemongrass stalks with coriander to taste with enough water, approximately 2 cups of water. Boil until boiling. Boil it using a jug. Then you strain the stew and then you drink the lemongrass and coriander boiled water, then you drink it and you can also mix it with honey if you have it.

 Those are some ways and tips for treating itching naturally and herbally using lemongrass leaves.

  And what is important is that all of this is a form of our efforts or endeavors as servants and the results or healing we must submit back to Allah SWT because he is the one who is able to heal all kinds of diseases. Hopefully useful for all of us. And all our loved ones are given health and safety and the perfection of the world and the hereafter, Ameen. Oke thanks you