Herbal Medicines And Therapy For Stroke Disease.

Herbal Medicines And Therapy For Stroke Disease.

Herbal Medicines And Therapy For Stroke Disease.

 Herbal Medicines And Therapy For Stroke Disease. Stroke is a disease where the body cannot be moved or the body is paralyzed and cannot speak.

 Stroke is considered a dangerous disease. But it's actually not dangerous. The cause of stroke is the blockage of blood vessels around the brain so that the brain cannot work normally.

 The cause of stroke is a blockage of blood vessels around the brain so that the brain cannot work properly and normally. The brain is the driving force for several organ functions in the body.
 Herbal Medicines And Therapy For Stroke Disease Among them are as follows.

 Herbal Medicine and Therapy for Stroke from Dr. Zaidul Akbar.

 1. Consume honey every day, and also apply honey under the tongue (three times a day).
 2. Consume and drink coconut water and cliantro or commonly referred to as coriander leaves.
 3. Can or routinely do cupping, acupuncture, and reflexology. Among the benefits of cupping is to remove blood in the body that is dirty or unhealthy. And cupping is also a routine carried out by the Prophet Muhammad and is the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad SAW and of course cupping will get a reward and of course healthy, God willing.
 4. Eat cocoa powder and mix it with dates.
 5. Eat avocado in a blender and the results of the avocado blend are mixed with dates.

 Herbal Medicines And Therapy For Stroke Disease. Those are some treatments and herbal medicines and therapies for stroke. Hopefully useful for all of us.

 But remember all diseases have a cure so never stop trying. And the most important thing is that all diseases are from Allah SWT and don't forget to give it back to Allah SWT. Oke thanks you